Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tasting Wine

Another great wine-tasting session.  I certainly picked the right student club to press as much value out of my education as possible.  My neighbor in the classroom where the session was held told me about how he started liking wine when, as a twelve year-old boy, his parents took him wine-tasting in France.  He said, "I didn't start my drinking on a park-bench with a paper bag or anything like that. Ha ha."  That prompted me to recount my own story of how I came to appreciate wine, which begins with the summer I spent in Paris after my sophomore year in college when my classmates and I drank 2-3 wines with names like Bastardi every night until one of us had to be hospitalized with a kidney stone.  After that, liking the taste of good wine was easy.  I suppose this isn't too far removed from starting on a park-bench.

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