Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Beginning of the Beginning

I generate an idea once in a while.  These days I frequently find myself sitting in my small room in London just thinking, especially when the room is oppressively untidy with the tiny bit of workspace it has piled high with stacks of paper, packets of digestive biscuits, and pocketfuls of electronics.  And often this is when I’ll mull.  These ideas, when they have just been conjured in my head by something I read or saw, start out like a little blobs of water that have been splashed onto paper, and slowly seep into it – first they’re nice, well-formed and discrete, but after a little seeping, all that’s left of each is a bit of crinkle.  I have wanted to record them, perhaps even share them with others, but I’ve never really been able to.  If a blob of water already seems insignificant and forgettable, by the time it gets to be a crinkle, having lost its original form, it’s just too difficult to tease out what it had been and why it was splashed there to begin with.  So this blog is intended to allow me a quick, easy method of capturing my little beads of insignificant thoughts before I neglect them and can no longer remember why I had decided to label them as ideas.   

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